Friday, August 5, 2011


Each puzzle starts with the curvy lines all out of place. Click a hexagon to turn it, and connect the lines in their proper places.

It's so CURVY!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Sunday, May 29, 2011


No paper or pencils required - the grid is already made for you. Clicking two dots will draw your line (red) then your computer will take its turn (blue). It's not real smart, so you will probably win more than you lose!

::: PLAY DOTS! :::

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Just a Leaf?

Do you see just a leaf on a mango tree? Look again... there's somebody blending in to his surroundings very well.

This Common Baron Caterpillar looks good in camo.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

How to get ahead

Did you ever have one of those days when you felt like you just couldn't get ahead?

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Nature Sounds

Do you like thunder? The sounds of whales or a bee colony? Compose a personalized Nature Sounds track and chill to the sounds of your new environment. Maybe add a few forest birds, a creek, a lemur...

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Beans, beans, the musical fruit...

This game is a real toot... errr... hoot. Help the little guy get where he's going and avoid the bad guys by making him fly around. How does he fly? Well, let's just say he probably had beans for dinner. Lots of them.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Do you have a fear of spiders? How would you feel about dragging one around by his foot or feeding him insects with a click of your mouse?

If that's all a bit too creepy for you, DON'T CLICK HERE !!!

Monday, April 18, 2011

A Round Tuit


You can make this (guy?) (girl?) look anywhere from normal to really weird! Click the mouth, nose, head, and each eye to create a different look. There are more than 700,000 possible combinations.

I think I'll name this one Shelayla Tinselhead.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Shoelace Savvy

Dare to be different! Don't just lace your shoes like everybody else, find a new way and walk your own walk. Here's a site that will teach you dozens of ways to fancy up your footwear:

Friday, April 15, 2011

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Baked beans

Have you ever thought about squishing baked beans? Here's your chance. And you won't even have to clean up the mess.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Save the Words!

How would you like to save the life of an old word? Lots of groovy words that were once common have been pushed to the back of our vocabulary. How sad. But you can change that by adopting poor old unloved words! Go to Save the Words and choose one. Look at its definition, and if that's the orphan you fall in love with, sign the pledge that says, "I hereby promise to use this word, in conversation and correspondence, as frequently as possible to the very best of my ability."

It will misqueme me if you fail to do this. Word up, dude.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Information, Please.

Just how much information can your brain hold? Why would you want to put more stuff in there when you already have so much? Because your brain is always hungry! It feeds on discovery, and boredom makes it feel droopy. So keep munching on cool factoids and beat the boredom monster to a pulp. Games can be nifty brain snacks, too. Here are a few places to get your munch on:

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Virtual Piano

Just type and you can play beautiful music!

Click Main Menu > Key Assist Off to show which letters and numbers to type on your computer keyboard to play music. Click Music Sheets to find some ready-made songs. You'll be a virtual pianist in no time!